accident attorneys

The Reason You Should Never Neglect Car Accident Injuries

It’s perfectly natural, I believe; we experience pain (which indicates that we have been hurt), but we do nothing about it. Instead, we wait to seek medical treatment, expecting improvements. We have faith that things will improve. When we schedule an appointment with a doctor, we’re admitting that we’re in pain, which can be frightening.

After a crash, slight injuries should not be ignored.

For a variety of reasons, automobile accident injuries should not be overlooked. First and foremost, you must treat the injuries as soon as possible to optimize your chances of recovery. Please don’t put it off, and play the role of a tough guy/girl.

It is critical to treat your injuries as soon as possible to promote recovery. After every injury, your body enters a vital window of time. The more you can do to help the healing process along at this time, the better off you’ll be. If you don’t take care of your injuries, you’ll be more likely to develop chronic pain in the future, which you don’t want as the pains can become irreversible and affect your everyday enjoyment of life.  We’ve seen people ignore what they thought was a minor pain, only to bend over a year later and have their back go out on them as suddenly the minor pain explodes into a crippling pain requiring hospitalization and surgery.

Only three to five percent of those who are in a vehicle accident experience acute symptoms afterwards. Naturally, this changes based on the circumstances of the accident. Low-speed crashes with little or no damage to the vehicle, on the other hand, can (and do) result in injuries. High-speed collisions on the other hand, frequently result in more significant injuries. However, every human body is different, and we’ve een people require surgery following seemingly low-impact collisions, and people in devastating crashes, walk away with only a sore neck.

Following a vehicle collision, the most frequent ailments are:

  • Neck pain
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • A throbbing pain in the back of the skull
  • Back pains and spasms (lower and upper back)
  • Arms and hands numbness or tingling
  • Pain radiating across your shoulders
  • Headaches
  • Knee and foot pain

Whiplash injury has the following indications and symptoms. The collision’s quick shock swings the head and neck back and forth. It often happens so quickly that we don’t even notice. We’re able to exit the vehicle, we’re not bleeding, and everything appears to be in order. Then our neck gets stiff and uncomfortable later that day, the next day, or even the following week. Alternatively, we may exhibit any of the other symptoms described above. You have a whiplash injury if this happens to you.

You could believe that you were not hurt if your vehicle wasn’t severely damaged. Unfortunately, scientists have discovered that this is not the case. Whether or whether your automobile was severely damaged has little bearing on whether or not you were hurt. Even when the collisions are minor and the damage to both cars is limited, automobile accidents result in numerous injuries. So, if you see any indications of deterioration, consult a doctor who is familiar with whiplash problems.

Finally, any pains, however small, should be disclosed to your doctor as quickly as possible following a car collision. This is important for legal reasons as well and because you want to have your injuries healed as soon as possible. If you are silent about your injuries or downplay them from the outset, or if you wait a week, two weeks, or a month to seek treatment, then you convey a message to the insurance company that you are not really injured. It is in your best interests to report any injury as soon as possible. However, if you’ve waited a week, two weeks, a month, or many months and are still experiencing symptoms from your injury, contact a doctor to have them assessed. It’s better to be late than never.

What To Do After A Car Accident

When you’re involved in a vehicle accident, there are a few things you should do to make sure everyone is safe, follow the law, and begin the insurance claim process.


If you’re hurt, dial 911 or have someone else dial 911 for you. If you’ve been badly injured, wait for help and try not to move.


Check on the other passengers in your vehicle if you’re not too injured to move. If anybody is hurt, contact 911 or urge a bystander to call for assistance.


Move to the side of the road or a sidewalk if possible. Pull your automobile to the side of the road if it poses a hazard but is safe to drive. Otherwise, leave it alone and make your way to safety.


While you’re on the scene, you might wish to phone your insurance agent. That way, they’ll be able to inform you precisely what to do and can send a tow truck

5.  CALL THE ACCIDENT PROS LLP at 1-855-776-7557 (PROS-LLP) so we can start your case and take care of everything while you focus on your treatment.

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