Dog Bites

Bitten by a dog startled by fireworks.

dogs during a firework display

Fireworks can create an atmosphere of excitement and celebration, but they can also pose a potential risk. If you’ve been bitten by a dog that was startled by fireworks, it is crucial to be aware of your legal rights and the available options to seek compensation. We will explore the process of suing your neighbor for dog bites caused by fireworks in California.

California’s strict liability applies to dog bites caused by fireworks.

In the state of California, the law imposes strict liability on dog owners for any injuries caused by their pets, including dog bites. This means that regardless of whether the dog has a history of biting or if the owner was aware of its aggressive behavior, the owner is held responsible for the inflicted injuries. 

Because California imposes strict liability on dog owners this means that they are liable even if the dog’s behavior was aggravated by something external, such as a firework display. Dog owners have a duty to ensure that their pet does not pose a threat to others. Therefore, if you have been bitten by your neighbor’s dog during a firework display, they are still legally liable for the resulting injuries.

What should you do after being bitten by a dog startled by fireworks?

Seek immediate care when bitten by a dog startled by fireworks.

The first and foremost priority is your health and well-being. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, it is crucial to seek prompt medical attention. In the event that you don’t have health insurance, there is a possibility of finding a healthcare professional in California who is willing to offer medical treatment to you on a lien basis. Our team of California dog bite lawyers has a network of doctors who are open to providing medical assistance to dog bite victims based on a medical lien arrangement.

Document the incident.

To strengthen your case, take photographs of your injuries and the location where the dog bite occurred as soon as possible. This visual evidence can play a vital role in supporting your claim.

Gather information.

Collect the name, address, and contact information of the dog owner or handler, as well as any eyewitnesses present during the incident. This information will be valuable during the legal process.

Preserve details.

Record a detailed account of the incident, including what happened before, during, and after the dog bite. Memories can fade over time, so documenting everything promptly is essential.

Contact local animal control.

If you are unable to obtain the owner’s information, reach out to your local Animal Control and provide them with a description of the dog involved in the incident.

Compensation for being bitten by a dog startled by fireworks.

If you have suffered a dog bite, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation for your injuries. Potential compensatory damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, disfigurement, psychological trauma, and more. The severity of your injuries and the impact on your life will be factors in determining the amount of compensation you may receive.

Does insurance cover bites from dogs startled by fireworks in California?

Dog bite injuries are often covered by renters’ and homeowners’ insurance policies, providing personal injury claims coverage. Typically, these policies offer a range of coverage between $100,000 to $300,000.

Dog bites rank as the most common liability claim filed under both homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies. However, it’s important to note that some insurance companies have exclusions for certain dog breeds considered to be more prone to aggressive behavior, which limits their liability coverage.

Get help from a dog bite lawyer if you’ve been bitten by a dog during a firework display.

If you or your pet have experienced a dog bite incident during a neighbor’s fireworks display, it is important to know that you have legal options to seek compensation for your injuries in California. Consulting with an experienced dog bite lawyer can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your rights, assist you in gathering evidence, and guide you through the legal process to pursue a fair settlement or court verdict. Remember to act promptly, preserve evidence, and prioritize your health and well-being after a dog bite incident.


  1. California Civil Code §3342
  2. Insurance Information Institute

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